We care for the environment
Our packaging solutions are an important part of the distribution chain as they help to transport goods and documents from one place to another safely and intact. Our focus is on packaging solutions that make shipping more efficient by reducing packaging volume, weight, material and waste. For the benefit of the environment and for the benefit of our customers.
Sustainability also determines the way we think and act in production: the manufacturing processes are constantly being modernized and emissions are reduced in this way. Water-based paints and water-soluble glues have been used for years. Avoiding, separating and recycling waste also plays an important role.
Reducing energy consumption and increasing energy efficiency have top priority. When purchasing, we prefer energy-efficient products, whereby not only the acquisition costs but also the follow-up costs due to energy consumption are taken into account.
Bong will contribute to long-term ecological sustainable development by manufacturing and offering products that, during their life cycle, have the lowest environmental impact possible.
Envelopes and packaging have environmental impact throughout their respective life cycles - from the management of forests to recycling, incineration or landfills of used products. Bong's sustainability work takes different forms in the value chain depending on the possibility of influence and priorities. Measures aimed at reducing energy and water consumption, decreasing CO2 emissions per unit produced at our production sites, have the highest priority.
We shall always comply with applicable environmental legislation, regulations and government regulations. Permits and conditions only represent the minimum level of our environmental work.

We are working with the objective that all plants in the Group will be certified with ISO 14001. To date eight of our production-sites are certified with ISO 14001.
More than half of our production sites also carry both the FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) and PEFC (Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) certifications, and an additional five production sites carry the FSC® certification.
FSC® and PEFC only certify forests which are managed in a renewable and environmentally friendly way. The certification of Bong's facilities means that the origin of the raw material can be traced and guaranteed in every step of the production flow of each plant.

As Bong is a pan-European company working in a number of markets we carry a variety of certifications, corresponding to the environmental certifications available in our local markets. For envelopes in the Nordic countries, for example, The Swan is a guarantee that the product is made of approved paper grades, that glue and printing colours are water-based and that the window is detachable. The corresponding label in Germany is Der Blaue Engel and in France NF Environment.
There is no comprehensive European-wide label that meets all needs. In recent years, Bong has focused on the EU Ecolabel, which is a general European system of labelling that ensures that the product can be recycled and that the emissions of chemicals to air and water have been minimized.
We comply with the environmental laws and rules that apply in each country.


We continuously work to improve production methods to minimize the environmental impact of emissions

We work with suppliers and customers to design their products with priority on the eco-cycle approach and conservation of natural resources

Through information and communication we continuously raise the knowledge and awareness of environmental issues among all employees
Contact us
If you like to know more about Bong UK and our products, get in touch with us!